Category: blog

  • TMJ treatment in 1-3 total visits Jaw soreness, clicking and popping in the TMJ, headaches, clinching and grinding teeth at night, even low back pain are all symptoms related to TMJ (temporal mandibular joint) syndrome. Treatment options so far have been focused on a dental approach such as teeth grinding, mouth guards and splints. TMJ…

  • Spondylolisthesis and OS Chiropractic in SLC: A long time patient of mine has given me a testimonial regarding her experience with OST chiropractic in my office. This woman was one of my first clients in my first office and has been seeing me since for regular maintenance visits as needed. : I have a condition…

  • Clinically Diagnostic Muscle Testing in Salt Lake City The following elements of an alternative health care office are, in my opinion, the future of healing. These two key elements are linked with cause and effect. When looking for value in a chiropractic or alternative health care office, look here: 1. Using your body as a…

  • OST Chiropractor in Salt Lake I have been seeing a chiropractor of some kind for the last 30 years. As many chiropractic techniques as there are stars in the sky have been done to this body. Having also been through chiropractic college and been in active practice for the last almost 5 years, I have…

  • You’ll know if your whiplash injury can be helped after the first visit! Whiplash injuries can be a life changing event. Having a constant awareness of neck stiffness, reduced range of motion and muscle spasms because of a vehicle or sports accident can make people frustrated and irritated. Other commons symptoms related to whiplash injuries…

  • Chiropractic Treatment in Salt Lake City. ” You’ll know after the first visit is this work can help you!” Dr. Jonathan Leusden, Salt Lake City Chiropractor, specializes in a unique Chiropractic method, OST, that uses an accurate form of passive muscle testing or the OS Test which can monitor exactly how stress and injury are stored…

  • Non-Surgical Scoliosis Treatment SLC OST chiropractic can be an effective conservative approach to treating scoliosis. Many people notice a shoulder imbalance, hip imbalance or spinal curve when they bend at the waist. Often idiopathic scoliosis is diagnosed as a child or teenager. Treatment options can vary from restrictive braces, endless exercises and stretches or spinal fusion.…

  • Fewer visits, No popping/cracking, complete corrections. Open Source Technique or OST offers a way to identify your issue (1), resolve and correct your concern (2) and achieve the resolution you are seeking in relatively few visits (3). OS chiropractic uses a unique window into the body or diagnostic test allowing us to find exactly how…